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How do we remember traumatic experiences? How do we interpret what happened to us? What happens when all the traumas result from a great evil such as a war? We remember dates, names of streets, sculptures, graveyards, monuments and buildings, marked and unmarked places of suffering through cultural events. Through this exhibition. In addition to documenting the war and post-war reality at the turn of the century, the upcoming exhibition […]

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Photo: Sanja Vrzić She was born in Zvornik municipality, where she still lives. She survived the detention camp,  sexual  harassment,  being  a  refugee.  Together  with  her  husband,  a  disabled  war  veteran,  she  reconstructed  their  house,  which  had  been  burned  to  the  ground,  and  restored  their  family  life.  She  bravely  faced  the  criminals  by  testifying  as  an  unprotected witness before the […]

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