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Dealing with the past through gatherings of youth from different post-conflict societies

During the month of July 2017, we had the opportunity to attend a summer school unlike any other neither of us had attended before. The summer school brought together 20 teenagers from ex-Yugoslavian countries, all of whom had the opportunity to learn about the region’s history from different perspectives. The summer school was named “Challenge History”, and it not only […]

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Source: trialinternational.org The ICTY may not have brought the desired reconciliation in BiH, but its influence and legacy provides a crucial basis for future endeavors. An op-ed by Selma Korjenic. THE LAST-RESORT TRIBUNAL In 1993, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was established in The Hague (Netherlands). Tasked with the prosecution of the highest-ranked suspects from across the […]

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New editions of Dealing with the Past and True Stories Market to Be Presented at Sarajevo Film Festival

The Sarajevo Film Festival continues to provide a platform to help shed light on the consequences of the wars in the former Yugoslavia, and for using film to bring important stories related to these events to wider audiences. The aim of the Dealing with the Past and True Stories Market projects is to increase awareness, dialogue and knowledge, and has […]

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Journalist associations from the region welcome the arrest of a person who threatened journalist Dragan Bursac

Source: http://safejournalists.net The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, representing more than 7800 members, strongly condemns death threat to journalist Dragan Bursac and welcomes the prompt reaction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska, who arrested a person who threatened journalist from Banja Luka. Dragan Bursac was faced with death threats because of his article […]

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