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Monuments and memorials in the former Yugoslavia as an obstacle for facing the past

Monument-related practice in post-conflict societies and countries is an indispensable part of the analysis of the process of ”facing the past”. The policy of memorialisation makes it possible, to a certain degree, to determine up to what extent a certain society faced its own past and decided what will be part of the collective and public remembrance, and what will […]

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Partisans’ Necropolis in Bosnia’s Mostar Left to Rot

Izvor: http://www.balkaninsight.com​ Sven Milekic BIRN Mostar Photo by: Sven Milekić The monumental Partisans’ Cemetery in the Bosnian town of Mostar, where Yugoslav anti-fascist WWII fighters were buried, has been abandoned to decay, a victim of changing attitudes to history in the 1990s.  “The Partisans’ Cemetery? Yeah, Communists come there for their annual commemoration in… I forgot the month. Tourists? Some come, not many, […]

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Apply for the Summer University Srebrenica

Summer University Srebrenica is a program for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers to conduct research projects on topics related to Genocide, Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Studies, and Human Rights. Through dialogue, research, and first-hand experience with the aftermath of Genocide and the obstacles in terms of Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding, the Summer University Srebrenica aims at understanding how such […]

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Academic conference “The Politics of Building Peace in the Region: Burdens of the Past and Visions for the Future”

Call for Participants and Abstracts The Faculty of Political Science of the University of Sarajevo and forumZFD are organizing a two-day academic conference titled “The Politics of Building Peace in the Region: Burdens of the Past and Visions for the Future”. The conference will be held at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo from 19-22 October 2017. Keynote speakers […]

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