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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS       SUMMER SCHOOL “CHALLENGE HISTORY”       16-21 July 2017           Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina   The Swiss Helsinki Committee and its project partners1 are pleased to announce the call for applications for the Summer School “Challenge History” which will take place from 16 to 21 July 2017 in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are inviting […]

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Post-Yugoslav ‘Common Language’ Declaration Challenges Nationalism

Source: http://www.balkaninsight.com   Anti-smoking warning “Smoking kills” on a packet of cigarettes in Bosnia, written completely the same in all languages, with the only difference is that the Serbian warning is written in the Cyrillic script. Photo: Facebook/Sava Mandic    A declaration that Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian are all variations of the same language has annoyed conservatives, but received […]

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Srebrenica’s First Serb Mayor Tries to Escape the Past

Source:balkaninsight Photo: Srebrenica town centre, Samun Benutzer/Wikicommons   Mladen Grujicic, Srebrenica’s first Serb mayor, says he wants to look beyond the trauma of war and the bitterly-contested genocide debate to seek a better future for the depopulated, impoverished town. “When people see things going forwards, they will stop going back to the past. The past has only created conflict and […]

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Croatian Tour Guides Ask for War History Lessons

Source: http://www.balkaninsight.com Sven Milekić, BIRN, Zagreb Croatia’s tourist guide association told BIRN that it is working alongside the country’s tourism ministry to change the regulations on qualifying examinations for guides to include specialised tuition on the 1990s war. “We see tourist guides as a link between tourism and cultural heritage; without a well-educated guide, there can be no cultural tourism. And […]

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Seeking Justice in a Divided Region: Text Analysis of Regional Civil Society Deliberations in the Balkans

Source: recom.link By Denisa Kostovicova* ABSTRACT Contemporary conflicts are seldom contained within nation states. The cross-border nature of violence has prompted scholars to call for a regional approach to transitional justice (TJ). This article furthers our understanding of the regional dimension of postconflict justice by addressing the puzzle of whether discourse in regional-level debates is different from that in national- […]

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Refik Hodžić on the legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal

Source: http://www.warscapes.com Caterina Bonora, Refik Hodžić Established by the United Nations in 1993, when war was still raging in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has finally reached its last year of existence. In its twenty-four years of existence, the Tribunal has brought to justice 121 individuals from the former Yugoslavia. This includes prominent political figures […]

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BIRN’s Kosovo War Film Screened in Banja Luka

Izvor: http://www.balkaninsight.com/   BIRN’s documentary ‘The Unidentified’, about the Serbian fighters responsible for some of the worst atrocities of the Kosovo war, was screened for the first time in Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity Republika Srpska.   BIRN, Banja Luka   The screening on Thursday at Banja Luka College drew a small audience of students, with the organisers, local NGO Ostra Nula, warning […]

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Fascist Slogan Near Croatia Concentration Camp Sparks Anger

Source: http://www.balkaninsight.com/   Serb politicians have condemned a memorial plaque with a fascist slogan which was installed by Croatian war veterans and right-wing politicians near the Jasenovac WWII concentration camp.   Sven Milekic, BIRN,Zagreb The plaque with the ‘Za dom spremni’ slogan in the Jasenovac municipality. Photo: Udhos Zagreb. Serb politicians in Croatia and Serbia on Sunday strongly criticised former members of the […]

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