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Sarajevo Siege Novel Celebrates Decency Under Fire

Source: http://www.balkaninsight.com/ Wartime Sarajevo-based correspondent Kevin Sullivan’s new novel The Longest Winter tries to reflect the humanity and courage of people living in the Bosnian capital during the 1992-95 siege. Eleanor Rose BIRN Sarajevo The Grbavica district of Sarajevo just after the war. Photo: US Defence Department. In Kevin Sullivan’s living room, there is a framed photograph of himself lying in a debris-strewn road in […]

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Bosnian War Childhood Museum Edges Closer to Opening

Izvor: www.balkaninsight.com Eleanor Rose, BIRN, Sarajevo Despite funding setbacks and broken promises of support, the War Childhood Museum will open in Sarajevo in December to exhibit people’s personal mementoes of growing up during the conflict, its director says.  Jasminko Halilovic is tired. Face taut, he admits he is working 16- to 18-hour days in the run-up to the opening of the War Childhood […]

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BIRN’s Kosovo War Film Screened at Sarajevo University

http://www.balkaninsight.com/ BIRN’s Kosovo War Film Screened at Sarajevo University Sarajevo University’s law and political sciences faculties screened BIRN’s documentary ‘The Unidentified’, about the Serbian fighters responsible for some of the worst atrocities of the Kosovo war in 1999. Ajla Gezo BIRN Sarajevo  ‘The Unidentified’, which investigates attacks on Kosovo villages in 1999 and names those involved in an attempted cover-up […]

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Political Reconciliation: With or Without Grand Narratives? [Paper]

Source: recom.link Author: Nadim Khoury In the last twenty years the concept of political reconciliation has gained currency amongst political and social theorists. The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the democratic transitions of several South American countries and other similar cases introduced this seemingly foreign concept to our contemporary political lexicon. Reconciliation typically refers to attempts for divided societies […]

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