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Legal prohibition of denial of adjudicated war crimes concerns all victims of war

On July 23, 2021, the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina published a Decision on Enacting the Law on Amendment to the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina. More specifically, the amendments refer to Article 145a introducing a prohibition of public approval, denial, gross trivialisation, attempt to justify and glorification of crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes.

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Landscapes of Repair: Exhibition and Symposium

Landscapes of Repair is a collaborative project on post-traumatic landscapes in Kosovo, arising from a partnership between the University of Sheffield and the forumZFD Kosovo. The project links University of Sheffield research on post-traumatic landscapes together with forumZFD’s expertise in dealing with the past in Kosovo and the Western Balkans. Landscapes of Repair seeks to establish a collaborative platform through […]

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Promotion of the “Handbook for teaching Holocaust”

On the 23rd of June 2021, forumZFD- Kosovo Program together with Kosovo History Teachers Association held an event to promote the “Handbook for teaching Holocaust”. Representatives from Kosovo Government, Israeli Government, German Embassy in Prishtina, Yad Vashem representatives, deans and university professors, historians and history researchers gathered yesterday to promote and discuss the importance of teaching the Holocaust in Kosovo […]

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Why did the Nazis want to clean Roma from the face of the earth? Elimination of Roma during World War Two

Between 250,000 and 500,000 Roma were brutally killed during the Second World War Genocide (Holocaust Encyclopedia, 2020). This act of torturing and murdering Roma is also known as ‘Samudaripen’ in the Romani language. Thus, 2nd of August (International Roma Genocide Remembrance Day) and 16th of May (Romani Resistance Day) are dates when Roma remember the ‘Samudaripen’. Although recognized by various […]

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Why did the Nazis want to clean Roma from the face of the earth? Elimination of Roma during World War Two

Between 250,000 and 500,000 Roma were brutally killed during the Second World War Genocide (Holocaust Encyclopedia, 2020). This act of torturing and murdering Roma is also known as ‘Samudaripen’ in the Romani language. Thus, 2nd of August (International Roma Genocide Remembrance Day) and 16th of May (Romani Resistance Day) are dates when Roma remember the ‘Samudaripen’. Although recognized by various […]

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