New Publication: “Holocaust & Peace”

Our partners of the regional project Alliances for Peace Education, namely EIHR, PCRC and forumZFD BiH are honored to present the publication of the pedagogical Manual

” Holocaust & Peace”- Lessons from the past for the future: a practical guide for educators. The Manual developed by fifteen authors includes 11 Lesson plans/workshops divided in 4 Modules teaching about and on History, Human Rights, Constructive Culture of Remembrance and Language, Literature, and the Arts.

After a draft material has been introduced to a pilot group of teachers and educators who have tested it in their secondary/high schools and Universities and shared their experiences and comments with the authors and the partners, the present final Manual has been now issued.

You can find it in online version on these webpages:;; and you can order also a free print version by writing to Michele Parente: or to Tatjana Milovanović:

The Manual is available in local language (B/H/S) and in English.



Launch event: On January 27, 2022 – “International Holocaust Remembrance Day “, the project partners will present the Manual at a public launch event in Sarajevo.