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Call for Application – Regional Research on Sound Art, Dealing with the Past, and Public Spaces

Terms of Reference (ToR) for “Regional Research on Sound Art, Dealing with the Past, and Public Spaces within the framework of the project Landscapes of Repair”

Sound, Memory, and Public Spaces

From September 25 to 29, 2023, forumZFD Kosovo held a workshop on “Sound, Memory, and Public Places” in cooperation with the Centre for Narrative Practice in Prishtina/Kosovo and Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP) at the University of Arts London, and the Shortwave Collective. The workshop was part of forumZFD’s collaborative and transnational project Landscapes of Repair which was […]

WARM Academy 2023 Open Call

WARM Foundation / WARM Academy5th edition TELLING THE STORY IN TIMES OF CRISISOPEN CALL Sarajevo, 10-15 July 2023Application deadline: 25 June 2023 Dear Sir/Madam, We are delighted to inform you about the upcoming 5th edition of the WARM Academy, organized by the WARM Foundation. The WARM Academy is a multidisciplinary educational program that aims to explore and showcase cutting-edge approaches, […]

DwP Column

DwP Column is a new media product of online platform about dealing with the past DwP Column is regional online platform for constructive reflection on the topics related to dealing with the past for the purpose of strengthening constructive and open approach on the regional level. By using Column tool we want to promote constructive online discourse related to current topics in the field of dealing with the past.

Heliodrom: a museum that is not one

Heliodrom, a heliport that was used as a concentration camp and controlled by the Croatian Defence Council (HVO), was a place of detention of around 8000 inhabitants of Mostar during the last war. A discussion about turning this space into a museum dedicated to the Croatian Defence Council has been ongoing for quite some time, which is nothing else but […]

Rulings and facing the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina: War crime proceedings and their impact in 2024

Criminal justice constitutes a fundamental element of transitional justice and provides a sound basis for facing the past, building trust within communities and eventually also reconciliation. Final rulings play a key role in this context, since they confirm the responsibility of perpetrators, provide a certain satisfaction to victims and their families and send a clear message about the unacceptability of […]

Nenad Čanak: You cannot squeeze real life into a sheet of paper.

The EU isn’t addressing the real issues or pushing the right buttons.

Balkan Perspectives

Balkan.Perspectives is a regional magazine focused on dealing with the past (DwP) in the western Balkans. Produced by forumZFD in four (4) languages, this is a collaborative effort between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia. The magazine provides a platform for local actors to support conflict-sensitive discourse on issues related to the recent past. By offering a plurality of perspectives on DwP topics from across the region, the magazine aims to challenge stereotypes and ethno-centric narratives, encourage critical thinking and wider debate, and strengthen constructive approaches to dealing with the recent past.


The Balkan Perspectives podcast is forumZFD’s audio format on Dealing with the Past and Peace Education in the Western Balkans. The podcast is produced in four languages (Albanian, BHCS, Macedonian and English) by the forumZFD offices in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia.