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Why did the Nazis want to clean Roma from the face of the earth? Elimination of Roma during World War Two

Between 250,000 and 500,000 Roma were brutally killed during the Second World War Genocide (Holocaust Encyclopedia, 2020). This act of torturing and murdering Roma is also known as ‘Samudaripen’ in the Romani language. Thus, 2nd of August (International Roma Genocide Remembrance Day) and 16th of May (Romani Resistance Day) are dates when Roma remember the ‘Samudaripen’. Although recognized by various […]

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Why did the Nazis want to clean Roma from the face of the earth? Elimination of Roma during World War Two

Between 250,000 and 500,000 Roma were brutally killed during the Second World War Genocide (Holocaust Encyclopedia, 2020). This act of torturing and murdering Roma is also known as ‘Samudaripen’ in the Romani language. Thus, 2nd of August (International Roma Genocide Remembrance Day) and 16th of May (Romani Resistance Day) are dates when Roma remember the ‘Samudaripen’. Although recognized by various […]

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A Contribution to the Memory of the Black Armband on May 31 1992 – against the forgery of history through oblivion

»Serbia is a country in which the past is much more uncertain than the future« (Stojan Cerović 1949 – 2005, journalist and peace activist)                                                                                                                                                Photo: Private archive Black cardboard squares, about one square meter each, were piled one on top of the other in front of the Palace Albanija and hundreds of people would walk up to them and […]

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Exhibition “Data: Mars” – Protests and Women’s Activism in Kosovo

Feminist activism has a long history of erasure and marginalization. The historical amnesia surrounding women’s movements renders any attempt of unearthing their genealogies and experiences an act of intervention in itself. Grounding women’s movements, however, calls for tackling the complexities and the historical context in which these movements emerged. Academic and artistic endeavours in mapping women’s movements and experience by […]

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Women’s Protests in the 1990s in Kosovo: The Story of Igo Rogova

For several years, Albanians faced continuous occupation and violation of the rights to work, freedom of language, gathering, music, and moving. However, this became worse under the oppressive policies of Milošević’s regime. In 1998, the situation went from bad to worse. The Serbian police and armed forces started massacring civilians, raping women, burning villages, and perpetrating other crimes in Kosovo. […]

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Towards the 30th anniversary of the Croatian Anti-War Campaign

Regardless of how conflicts are solved, people in these areas will continue to live together. We all need peace; therefore, we must work on developing the democracy and achieving economic, social, and ecological well-being. Our interests are the same; war and violence harm everyone. From the Charter of the Anti-war Campaign This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the launch […]

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