Balkan.Perspectives #25

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Making Films from Collective and Individual War Trauma: Freedom and Responsibility

There are three facts about film as a medium that should be noted here, but also in general. The first is that audiences often forget that film is primarily a commodity intended to bring some kind of profit to investors. This profit isn’t always financial; sometimes it’s “artistic prestige,” shown through various festival awards. The second fact is that film […]

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Ivana Matijević

Will Dara from Jasenovac and Aida from Srebrenica Ever Meet?

“I hope films like Quo Vadis, Aida?, Dara from Jasenovac, and others like them contribute to developing a culture of remembrance in the Balkans, respect for victims, and regional reconciliation,” stated Jelena Trivan, chairperson at the time of the Serbian Film Center’s Board, three years ago when news broke that Quo Vadis, Aida? was shortlisted for the Academy Award for […]

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The problems of the youth in the context of dealing with the past in modern Macedonian cinematography

My friend was telling me, all in amazement, that a group of teenagers at a screening of a new Macedonian film in the cinema (not that it is different from a screening of any Hollywood title), were constantly looking at each other’s phones and reacting only to the action moment or the line that can (only briefly) catch their attention. […]

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