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BiH Alternative Report 2016: Political criteria

Sarajevo, July 2016 The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH made the fourth in a row Alternative Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina and its path towards the European Union membership. The report is a joint effort of dozens of individuals and organizations, whose common goal was to present the current state of the integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the perspective of civil society […]

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UN Women Statement for the first International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict

CRSV team (Photo by UN BiH) Source: This year, we have celebrated three historic firsts for combatting sexual violence in conflict. All of these were long overdue and all had one thing in common: the unstoppable force of women’s voice and leadership. In February, a national court in Guatemala convicted two former military officers of committing sexual violence during the country’s civil […]

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Educational Standards and the Wars in Former Yugoslavia

Source: By Nataša Kostić I enrolled at the History Department of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy  in 1989. I clearly remember the long queue of us candidates, waiting to submit documents for the entrance examination. I also remember one professor saying: “So many candidates….a national awakening!” Back in 1989, and throughout the last decade of the 20th century, […]

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Justice for atrocity and economic crimes: can the EU deliver?

Source: With the partial exception of the Holocaust, European states have done little reckoning with their own legacies of abuse inherited from war and repressive rule in Europe and the former colonies.By Iavor Rangelov, Marika Theros, and Nataša Kandić  At the June Summit, which will take place after the UK Referendum, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, […]

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