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Results of Competition on Culture of Remembrance “Moments-Monuments-Movements

Photo by: JU Gimnazija Obala Sarajevo In the frame of the Project “MemorInmotion goes Western Balkans”, by forumZFD and the European Association of History Teachers and Educators BiH (EUROCLIO HIP BiH), in partnership with Humanity in Action (HiA), Youth Initiative for Human Rights BiH (YIHR BiH), Mreža za izgradnju mira BiH (Network for building peace) and the peace movement pax christi […]

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Farah Tahirbegović’ Award for the Youth Initiative ‘Because it Concerns Me’

Source: The annual award of the "Foundation Farah Tahirbegović" was conferred today in Zenica upon the informal youth initiative "Because it Concerns Me" for their multi-annual contribution to the preservation of the "culture of remembrance" as a basis for the fight against oblivion, denial of war crimes, discrimination and segregation and the fight for restoring the dignity of all […]

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Why Macedonia is Not Interested in Reconciliation Process in the Region?

Source: By Ljubica Spaskovska In 2002, Human Rights Watch petitioned Macedonian President Trajkovski,  expressing concerns that a pending amnesty law for crimes related to the 2001 armed conflict could shield war criminals from prosecution. Their fears materialised. Nine years later, in July 2011, the Macedonian Parliament voted to apply the 2002 Amnesty Law to all cases returned to Macedonia for prosecution […]

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History textbooks in post-conflict societies: Education for reconciliation? [Publication]

Source: Forum for Transitional Justice #5 is exploring the issues of the role of education in the process of dealing with the past and reconciliation, particularly the history textbooks’ content in post-conflict societies and processes of democratization. This is a publication of the Humanitarian Law Center. Content Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………. 93 Authors……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 95 An Analysis of the contents of history textbooks in […]

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Tribunal convicts Radovan Karadžić for crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Source: Tribunal | Press release | The Hague |  Trial Chamber III of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) today convicted Radovan Karadžić, former President of Republika Srpska (RS) and Supreme Commander of its armed forces, of genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the laws or customs of war committed by Serb forces during the armed conflict in Bosnia and […]

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