*Call for Papers* “Culture and Politics of Remembrance – Southeast European and Balkan Perspective

*Call for Papers*

“Culture and Politics of Remembrance – Southeast European and Balkan Perspectives”  
organized by forumZFD, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Institute of National History, St. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje.
23-25 September, Skopje
The social analysis of the past and the collective memories enjoys a growing attention, with an ever-growing number of publications, conferences and research projects. The Balkan region is unarguably a great research environment for the various cultures of memory, historiographies and modes of dealing with the pasts, considering not only the communist and National-socialist pasts, but also having in mind the imperial legacies, as well as the divergent set of national particularities, historical extensions, policies and developments. Moreover, the socio-political changes in the region had various effects on the social construction of the collective memories, resulting in strong trends of historical revisionisms and divisive memory politics. On the other hand, the most recent regional developments show certain attempts of overcoming these historiographic and mnemonic disputes. Therefore, the aim of the international conference is to map the ongoing socio-political dynamics, the most recent scholarly discourses and finally, to provide a platform for an interdisciplinary, cross-national discussion.

We are inviting researchers and practitioners from history, anthropology, museum studies, memory and critical heritage studies, as well as other related disciplines to contribute to the topics on interpretation, memorialization and representation of the past in the public discourse, the public space and politics. The geographical focus of the conference is the Southeast European region and the Balkan Peninsula, while we will also consider papers on the other European regions in a comparative perspective. From the initial historiography on the WWI and WWII, the communist period and the post-communist transformations, we are looking forward to receiving papers on the most recent debates on the social construction of the past, the interplay of the political ideologies, the developments of the social memories and the processes of transitional justice. Thus, the topics which this conference would like to address include (but are not limited to):

– Cultural memory: Theoretical, epistemological and practical perspectives, – Imperial pasts: Memories and legacies,  – Socialist pasts: Formal and informal mnemonic practices, – National histories: Historiographic disputes and transnational cooperation,  – Historical revisionism in the Balkans and Southeast Europe, – European memory projects and the Balkans, – Dealing with traumatic pasts and transitional justice mechanisms, – Performance of cultural heritage in the public space, – Gender perspectives in the cultures and politics of remembrance.  
Please send your abstract of no more than 500 words and a short biography of no more than 200 words via the webpage: http://etno.pmf.ukim.mk/ocs/index.php/conference/IC_CPR

The deadline for the submission of the abstracts is 15 April 2020. Notifications will be sent out by 1 May 2020.

Limited funding for covering travel/ accommodation costs is available. Please notify us in the application if you are applying for the funding. 
Conference languages: English  
Instructions for submitting a paper:  
1. Visit the website:  http://etno.pmf.ukim.mk/ocs/index.php/conference/IC_CPR. Scroll to the end of the site and click on:  Call for Papers (January 30, 2020 – April 15, 2020) 3. Scroll at the end of the site and click on: Step one of the submission process 4. Register or log in and you can start your application.