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Combating Holocaust and Genocide Denial Protecting Survivors, Preserving Memory, and Promoting Prevention

Hate speech has been known to stigmatize, marginalize, enable discrimination as well as incite hate crimes and large-scale violence. Genocide and Holocaust denial is often tied to hate speech, specifically when the aim is to target individuals or groups based on specific identity factors. The most serious cases of genocide and Holocaust denial can constitute incitement to discrimination, hostility, or […]

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Heritage under the kingdom of post-war concreting

Xheneta Murtezaj Restorations without criteria have followed the buildings of special importance in Kosovo, which have suffered from destruction and damage during the war in Kosovo and from the carelessness that has prevailed in the post-war reconstruction chaos. The data of the Ministry of Culture of Kosovo show that there are 1,025 monuments of construction heritage including towers, traditional dwelling […]

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University of Prishtina includes the teaching of the Serbian language in a new program

Blendrita Avdiu Zarife Çoçaj, is one of 11 students of the Balkanistics, the new program of the Faculty of Philology that was accredited this year, to provide the teaching of Albanian and Serbian languages, as well as other Balkan languages, ​​along with their literature, culture and history. She says she sees this program as a good opportunity for her future. […]

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Waiting endlessly for ethnological and archeological exhibits taken by the museums of Serbia

Besmire Kluna It was September 1989 when the Gallery of the Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade would make room for 1,247 Kosovo artifacts for a temporary exhibition. The contingent that included 571 ethnological exhibits and 676 archeological exhibits turned out to be the most long-term exhibition because they have not been returned to their country of origin even […]

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